
IPA: krˈeɪvʌn


  • A coward.
  • A surname.
  • A local government district in North Yorkshire, England.
  • A village in the Rural Municipality of Longlaketon No. 219, Saskatchewan, Canada.


  • To make craven.


  • Unwilling to fight; lacking even the rudiments of courage; extremely cowardly.

Examples of "craven" in Sentences

  • It was the speech of a politician par excellence - that is, a craven, bootlicking ode to Unoffensiveness.
  • Charles Lane, who recently praised Evan Bayh for having the courage to be base, selfish, and craven, is on the rise.
  • So if you had any doubt about who owns the Republicans and their nether regions, this latest exercise in craven sycophancy should pretty much put that to rest.
  • Swiftly, conscious of only one motive -- refusal to see this man called craven by his enemies -- she rose, and with blundering fingers buckled the belt round his waist where it belonged.
  • Hal is a fascist as statements like "defend our way of life in craven terror, bigotry and paranoia," "order him to read from Homer," and "dearly like to bash your fucking head in" clearly demonstrate ....
  • Then maybe we would have a chance at eradicating poverty, universal health care, protection of women’s and minority rights … as it is, the Dem “leadership” is a close second in craven corporate selfishness to the Republicans.
  • The more these changes take place in public opinion, the more reckless, really, the Israeli government has become, and it's all the more surprising, therefore, that Canada should have a government so absolutely ... well, I don't want to use the word craven because that would suggest submissiveness.

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