IPA: krˈeɪvɪŋ
- A strong desire; yearning.
Examples of "craving" in Sentences
- My LOST craving is outrageous even while watching LOST - LOL.
- If your chocolate craving is getting to you, try diet hot-chocolate packets.
- It's now Republicans who stand to benefit from an electorate that's again craving change.
- Then, after that moment's craving is satisfied, the remaining glut wastes away ... for days, weeks and sadly sometimes years.
- If your craving is too great, which venue you choose might well depend on your relative tolerance for fat in general and saturated fat in particular.
- The nervous system degenerates, and the consequence of this degeneracy is the production of that form of irritation within the system which we call the craving for drink, and which requires alcohol for its immediate satisfaction.