IPA: krimˈeɪʃʌn
- A burning; especially the act or practice of cremating the dead, burning a corpse.
Examples of "cremation" in Sentences
- Currently, the average waiting period for cremation is 15 days.
- Straight from cryo to crispy in two seconds or less, or your next cremation is free.
- Things go amiss when he discovers that a girl due for cremation is recalled by her insurance company.
- A.S. Tiffany [55] describes what he calls a cremation-furnace, discovered within seven miles of Davenport, Iowa.
- Don't cheat on your stressed out overworked superhero husband unless cremation is your preferred form of funeral.
- Checking with LCS (Lake Chapala Society in Ajijic) I find that a "simple" cremation is close to US$1,000 for the basics.
- In addition to the natural gas use in cremation, things like fillings and medical implants create tons of nasty emissions!
- I'm thinking about the NAACP's symbolic burial of the "N" word - it might be interesting to monitor the effects & impact of that - I'm not big on copycatting, but if the NAACPs actions prove effective, maybe a ceremonial "R" word cremation is in order.