
IPA: krˈaɪsʌs


  • A crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point.
  • An unstable situation, in political, social, economic or military affairs, especially one involving an impending abrupt change.
  • (medicine) A sudden change in the course of a disease, usually at which point the patient is expected to either recover or die.
  • (psychology) A traumatic or stressful change in a person's life.
  • (drama) A point in a drama at which a conflict reaches a peak before being resolved.

Examples of "crisis" in Sentences

  • The term crisis comes from the Greek origin, meaning circle ( "kreis" in German).
  • "The mood is that the economic crisis in UK is better than the ­crisis in Poland."
  • The symbol for the word crisis in Chinese is made up of two words: danger and opportunity.
  • Trust yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Trust'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: At the bottom of the \'financial crisis\' is a crisis of trust.
  • "The single most important line of defense for young people in crisis is a network of visibly supportive adults, in their own community, in school, at home," Byard said.
  • Just as the phrase "crisis of confidence" characterized the U.S. credit freeze after Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in 2008, it has become shorthand for in the debt crisis of Europe, too.
  • Promoted to Headline (H3) on 10/25/08: The Crash: The Plot Thickens yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'The Crash: The Plot Thickens'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: In recent days, a possible motive for the current financial crisis has been suggested by the crisis\' own architects themselves. '
  • I think where they lost, if anywhere, was when Brenda Ekwurzel of Union of Concerned Scientists was responding to the question, “…if this is a crisis, what kind of lifestyle change, what kind of economic pain, and how quickly are you proposing…to hedge our bets?” with “ASAP … As soon as possible because’€” … Everything, everything that we can throw at solving this climate crisis’€”well, this climate problem, is important…”
  • "The system is working" to manage what Alan Greenspan is calling a once in a century event. and the rest of this week's meltdown (from oldest to newest) ... video: wamu looking for buyer* obama: help for US finance crisis needed from abroad* wall st journal: one week later, a new world order* industrials: biggest 2 day rally since 1929* china blames wall st meltdown on fed overissuance of currency* dodd: the US may be 'days away from a complete meltdown of our financial system'* failed bank list* we have only days to stop the $700b stick-up (& fascist powergrab) * regulators shut down ameribank in west virginia* in hard times, tent cities rise across the country* growing' tent cities 'blamed on foreclosure crisis*

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