
IPA: krˈɔsɪŋ


  • Cross-breeding.
  • Opposition; thwarting.
  • An intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross.
  • A place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed.
  • The act by which terrain or a road etc. is crossed.
  • A voyage across a body of water.
  • (architecture) The volume formed by the intersection of chancel, nave and transepts in a cruciform church; often with a tower or cupola over it.
  • Movement into a crossed position.
  • (graph theory) A pair of intersecting edges.
  • A pair of parallel lines printed on a cheque


  • (rare) Extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction.

Examples of "crossing" in Sentences

  • The Santa Teresa crossing is my favorite -- you avoid Juarez and El Paso.
  • This crossing is a bit out of the way, but it is virtually empty all the time.
  • We came through Laredo with no problem and wonder if this crossing is as easy as Laredo.
  • I have lived in Ciudad de Acuña for the past three years and the crossing is always an easy one.
  • In any event, the Colombia crossing is a dandy, a good option even if that tollroad hasn´t reopened.
  • If my memory serves me correctly, the Santa Teresa crossing is about 15 miles west of I25 from a junction just north of El Paso.
  • All vendors have their R&D teams, but Shockley aims for driving out the time it takes to go from idea to product, what he calls crossing the chasm.
  • SLOBOGIN: Dr. David Greenfield specializes if addiction, and lately, he's spending a lot of time treating a new and addictive brand of adultery, what he calls crossing the line on line.
  • He wants to aggressively grab the most interesting software technology the labs is working on and herd it as quickly as possible into new products if it shows potential -- what he calls crossing the chasm from applications to products.
  • The term crossing is sometimes used in a much more restricted sense, as in the remark of Mr. Boswell in his essay quoted on page 69 where he says, "When I praise the advantage of crossing I would have it clearly understood that it is only to bring together animals _not nearly related_ but always of _the same breed_."

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