IPA: krˈudɫi
- In a crude manner.
Examples of "crudely" in Sentences
- He had forced away the notion of crudely and crassly pitting one of them against the other.
- We underline the modifier "crude" because crudely is how the political system deals with policy challenges.
- The people were attending a spiritual cleansing ceremony in what witnesses described as a crudely built hut at a scenic resort.
- The principle, to put it very crudely, is similar to the Exchange and Equalization Fund England introduced when she went off the gold standard.
- When he called Taylor at one of their homes, Burton answered the phone and explained in crudely graphic terms exactly why he was there with Taylor.
- Largely kept isolated from others, he was first held in crudely constructed jungle cages and later in cold prison cells, ending up in the infamous Hanoi
- They can be forgivingly called crudely drawn and underwritten, and each bibles was usually based on the image of a movie starlet or famous comics character Mae West and Popeye being the most popular, apparently engaging in antics best left behind closed doors.
- Laurent Gras, Executive chef, L2O, Chicago: F&W Best New Chef 2002 Laurent Gras's name crudely translates to "Fat Larry" in French -- wholly ironic, considering he carries an incredible two percent body fat (the average is about 13 to 17 percent for an adult male).
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