IPA: kʌɫtɪvˈeɪʃʌn
- The art or act of cultivating (improvement of land for or by agriculture), as:
- Tillage: plowing, sowing and raising crops.
- Light tillage: turning or stirring the soil, especially for weed control.
- The state of being cultivated or used for agriculture
- Devotion of time or attention to the improvement of (something)
- Advancement or refinement in physical, intellectual, or moral condition
Examples of "cultivation" in Sentences
- In point of civilization and what we call cultivation, Alcibiades was immeasurably superior to Saint Paul,
- In fact, tepary cultivation is now taking place in dry areas of Africa and is being revived in southern Arizona.
- Department of Justice figures already show – that marijuana cultivation is up in Mexico since 2005, more than doubling to 21.5 million metric tons in 2008.
- I know people who talk to their plants so this is another aspect involved in cultivation, which involves coaxing them to grow and produce nice, healthy fruit.
- Last July, The Wall Street Journal reported that the growing season in the portion of Greenland open to cultivation is already two weeks longer than it was in the 1970s.
- Before Roberta was born, Leah had reserved herself an hour every morning and every afternoon for what she called the cultivation of her mind -- the careful reading of good standard books, French and