IPA: kˈʌɫtʌveɪtɝ
- Any of several devices used to loosen or stir the soil, either to remove weeds or to provide aeration and drainage.
- A person who cultivates.
Examples of "cultivator" in Sentences
- The alternative course available to the cultivator is the minimum input approach.
- Though the cultivator is a bit large in size, it only weighs 1.4 pounds in total.
- If the implements are employed for weed control, then the term cultivator is used.
- Each year he repays part of the cost of the oxen, the plough, and the cultivator, that is, 12 000 francs.
- In vain the emperor strove, by offers of immunities and exemptions, to recall the cultivator to his deserted fields.
- For similar reasons, Iran, the sponsor and "cultivator" of Hezbollah comes out looking better, becoming better accepted as non-Arabs in the Muslim world.
- None the less is it true, that in proportion to the skill and experience of the cultivator will be his desire to secure a supply of loam, peat, and leaf-mould.
- The lowly cultivator is viewed as indifferent to economic incentives because it is presumed that he is strongly committed to his traditional ways of cultivation.