IPA: kˈʌm
- (colloquial, vulgar) Semen.
- (colloquial, vulgar) Female ejaculatory discharge.
- (colloquial, vulgar) An ejaculation.
- (humorous) Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
- Abbreviation of cubic metre. [A unit of volume equal to that of a cube having sides each one metre in length. Symbol: m³]
- (slang, vulgar) To have an orgasm, to feel the sensation of an orgasm.
- (slang, vulgar) To ejaculate.
- Eye dialect spelling of come (“move from further to nearer; arrive”). [(intransitive) To move from further away to nearer to.]
- Clipping of cumulative. [Incorporating all current and previous data up to the present or at the time of measuring or collating.]
Examples of "cum" in Sentences
- He was what they call a cum laude something or other.
- Welcome to the new McCain cum Schmidt cum Rove campaign.
- I graduated from a Big 10 university with a degree in English, cum laude.
- At Holy Cross College, Thomas graduated ninth in his class with an A.B. in English, cum laude in 1971.
- The word following cum is Cur - and the final letter has a tail on the end, indicating that it has been abbreviated.
- Many documents were headed in this way - and yours seems to begin View of Frankpledge with (cum is the Latin word) Court Baron.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover has the most sophisticated anti-hero cum villain cum tragic figure, and he continues to haunt me -- Dyan Ardais.
- Do you think that to win cum summa laude it worth it to relinquish all hopes of debating honors athletic honors and confine oneself to that one pursuit?
- Matcr cnim c (l inccrta ad dignofccndum, an conceperit cx cottu martti, an vcro adulteri, cum fuppona - 'tur pro co temporc cobabitarc' .cum marito, prout colligt potcft ex tcxtu in i.
- Cum causal regularly takes the Subjunctive; as, -- quae cum īta sint, _since this is so_; cum sīs mortālis, quae mortālia sunt, cūrā, _since you are mortal, care for what is mortal_.a. Note the phrase cum praesertim (praesertim cum), _especially since; _ as, --