IPA: kˈɝbsaɪd
- A location next to the curb
- Adjacent to the curb.
Examples of "curbside" in Sentences
- Another was almost getting thrown up on by Janis Joplin curbside of the Fillmore Auditorium.
- Toronto's recycling plan allows people to include paper-based takeout coffee cups in curbside recycling because they can be composted.
- State law does require that elections officials bring ballots to the cars of elderly and disabled voters when they request the assistance, he writes, allowing them to engage in "curbside" voting.
- Blouin said his organization believes the government should stick with one system - namely curbside recycling, which is available in most Quebec towns and is financed by industry and municipalities.
- Winnipeg has tossed around the idea of curbside pickup like the program in Prince Edward Island but never followed through, and according to the latest data, three quarters of Manitobans throw their organic waste in the trash.
- National Transportation Safety Board found that so-called curbside bus companies, which pick up riders on sidewalks rather than in terminals, were involved in fatal accidents at seven times the rate of traditional carriers like Greyhound.
- Using bear-resistant containers, double wrapping food waste, not placing garbage in outdoor sheds and garages, and waiting until the morning of garbage disposal to place garbage on the curbside are a few ways to ensure that the bears keep out Webb said.