IPA: kɝˈɛtʌdʒ
- (medicine) The removal of unwanted tissue from a body cavity using a curette.
Examples of "curettage" in Sentences
- Johnny Barton says: curettage, question: When do the hearings begin?
- Eugene Debs sponsered by the Church of the presumptious assumption says: curettage
- A “dilation and curettage” is a surgical procedure designed to clean out the uterus after a miscarriage.
- In either event, a surgical procedure, known as curettage, affords the most likely means of restoring it to a healthful state.
- I believe that dilation and curettage is the only method of abortion used, legally or illegally by most physicians in this country.
- A "simple" D and C dilation and curettage to evacuate the contents of the womb, followed by close monitoring from an oncologist, would probably mean a return to good health in about a year, he said.