IPA: kˈɝʌnsi
- Money or other items used to facilitate transactions.
- (more specifically) Paper money.
- The state of being current; general acceptance, recognition or use.
- (obsolete) Current value; general estimation; the rate at which anything is generally valued.
- (obsolete) fluency; readiness of utterance
Examples of "currency" in Sentences
- The phrase "currency board linked to gold" drives some hard-money advocates batty.
- Oddly, the vision I have of the newly divorced woman flinging herself onto a bed covered in currency is not born out by the figures.
- Although the term "currency board" is somewhat contemporary, the Bank of England used this mechanism to manage its gold standard system in the 18th century.
- Brazil's sharp-tongued Finance Minister Guido Mantega quickly became an international sensation when he coined the phrase "currency wars" to refer to excessive currency manipulation in these times of high volatility and dollar debasement.
- Mr. Mantega, who popularized the term "currency war" a year ago to describe the political impact on emerging market countries to keep the value of their exports competitive amid a declining U.S. dollar, said he doesn't believe the wars are over.
- As soon as facebook developers’ allotted banner ad space dries up, or the virtual currency/survey model dries up, the only thing left to monetize in the realm will be virtual gifts (* not virtual currency*), and being that Facebook already has a gift shop, they’ll be slopping up all the revenue.