
IPA: kɝˈɪkjʌɫɝ


  • Of, relating to, or following a curriculum.

Examples of "curricular" in Sentences

  • The co-curricular is all weighted as part of the teaching assignment.
  • The kids who had to sit at a series of desks all day doing "curricular" things mostly didn't have time to get good at a lot of extracurriculars.
  • Only a faculty secure in their positions and backed-up by long-term curricular goals and solid scholastic hopes can go to classes and teach their hearts out.
  • He admitted that some state officials do not see it as their responsibility to organize and reward innovation in curricular design, preferring to leave this role to the philanthropic sector.
  • To some extent, parents ought to be included in curricular decisions in local schools, or at least ought to be informed about them, or at least ought to take an interest in what their schools are doing.
  • But there is little evidence that measures such as curricular reform, school-based management, and school choice will address, let alone solve, the biggest problem schools face: the rising number of children who come from disrupted families.
  • CLEAR welcomes submissions dealing with current issues and problems in legal education, presenting empirical studies on legal education and action research projects carried out by professors, examining new trends in adult education or new methods of instruction including but not limited to learning technologies, and discussing faculty or university reports dealing with issues such as curricular reforms and access to legal education.

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