
IPA: kˈɝv


  • A gentle bend, such as in a road.
  • A simple figure containing no straight portions and no angles; a curved line.
  • A grading system based on the scale of performance of a group used to normalize a right-skewed grade distribution (with more lower scores) into a bell curve, so that more can receive higher grades, regardless of their actual knowledge of the subject.
  • (analytic geometry) A continuous map from a one-dimensional space to a multidimensional space.
  • (geometry) A one-dimensional figure of non-zero length; the graph of a continuous map from a one-dimensional space.
  • (algebraic geometry) An algebraic curve; a polynomial relation of the planar coordinates.
  • (topology) A one-dimensional continuum.
  • (informal, usually in the plural) The attractive shape of a woman's body.


  • (transitive) To bend; to crook.
  • (transitive) To cause to swerve from a straight course.
  • (intransitive) To bend or turn gradually from a given direction.
  • (transitive) To grade on a curve (bell curve of a normal distribution).
  • (transitive) (slang) To reject, to turn down romantic advances.


  • (obsolete) Bent without angles; crooked; curved.

Examples of "curve" in Sentences

  • Apply a label curve style to your conduit preferences.
  • The continuance of the curve is a narrow, unrailed bridge.
  • And then for others the curve is anything but bell-shaped.
  • Actually the curve is an exponential so every point over 100 counts more and more.
  • He has urged what he calls curve shifting, an overhaul of human behavior toward healthier living.
  • If you delay, then the stimulus might not start to work until the curve is already headed back up.
  • And in the middle of the curve is a nook about five-and-a-half feet tall, a bit more than two feet wide and a foot deep.
  • The menu is under Format / Style Manager. go into Documentation Objects / Property Set Definitions / Check if you have a type you need otherwise create your own. then attach a label curve to your drawing from the pallette and select the property set you want to attach.

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synonyms for curvedescribing words for curve

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