
IPA: kˈɝvɪŋ


  • A shape or motion that curves.


  • That curves or curve.

Examples of "curving" in Sentences

  • We see people "curving" a bullet, where you swing the gun around while firing.
  • Just basically moving due north throughout much of the rest of the day today and then slowly kind of curving around.
  • Hitler spoke in the grand Lowenbrau beerhall, which had a tower with the word LOWENBRAU curving around it and a chandelier inside.
  • What surprised me is that as you looked out on the horizon, you could actually see the rain bands kind of curving in towards the center.
  • The lines of stratification have been described as curving so as to correspond with the shape of the mound, and such we are told is the general rule.
  • Conchas are usually scored both lengthwise and crosswise, but may also be scored in curving parallel lines to resemble scallop shells, or in concentric circles.
  • If she finds leaves of the proper size, of a dry texture capable of defying the damp and of a suppleness favourable to cylindrical curving, that is all she asks; and the rest does not matter.
  • - the Anglosphere or the Arc of English curving from the UK through CONUS and down to Australia and NZ but NOT including the Zone which is still seen by the Temps as a necessary evil - much like how Kiwis view Auckland;

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