IPA: kˈʌtɫɝi
- A collective ensemble of eating and serving utensils such as knives, forks and spoons.
- The business of a cutler.
Examples of "cutlery" in Sentences
- She collected two glasses and some cutlery from the tray on the bar.
- Says The Ragbag, "half the fun of hybrid cutlery is the peculiar names."
- The SHOT Show abounds in cutlery manufacturers, and Colt Steel is always one of the most interesting.
- But to an officer in the Canadian Militia this $16 piece of stage cutlery is an unqualified nuisance.
- Even the crockery was made in the Burg, and the cutlery was a cast-off from another Bristolian restaurant.
- After cataloguing the internal organs of a creature from a nightmare, washing the cutlery was a joyous exercise.
- This peerless piece of cutlery is jointly made for Cabela's by Gerber and Bell & Carlson, and is so good that none of you are worthy of it.
- Tamerlane lived in excessive magnificence and luxury at Samarcand; hither he had brought all his captives, who were expert in any kind of manufacture, especially in the silks of Damascus, and the sword cutlery of
- The house rules are framed on the wall: guests should clear away their own plates and cutlery, which is self-explanatory because the friendly and good-humoured Aunt Marika has her hands full in the kitchen with the lunchtime orders.