
IPA: kˈʌtɔf


  • The point at which something terminates or to which it is limited.
  • (medicine) A cutoff point (cutoff value, threshold value, cutpoint): the amount set by an operational definition as the transition point between states in a discretization or dichotomization.
  • A road, path or channel that provides a shorter or quicker path; a shortcut.
  • A device that stops the flow of a current.
  • A device for saving steam by regulating its admission to the cylinder (see quotation at cut-off).
  • A cessation in a flow or activity.
  • (poker) The player who acts directly before the player on the button pre-flop.
  • (fashion, chiefly in the plural) Shorts made by cutting off the legs from trousers.
  • (journalism) A horizontal line separating sections of the page.


  • Constituting a limit or ending.
  • (psychology, medicine) Designating a score or value demarcating the presence (or absence) of a disease, condition, or similar.

cut off

IPA: kˈʌtˈɔf


  • Alternative form of cutoff [The point at which something terminates or to which it is limited.]


  • (transitive) To remove via cutting.
  • (transitive) To isolate or remove from contact.
  • (transitive) To stop the provision or supply of something, e.g. power, water.
  • (transitive) To stop providing funds or something else to (someone).
  • (transitive) To end abruptly.
  • (transitive) To interrupt (someone speaking).
  • (transitive) (North American) swerve in front of (another car) while driving; cut [someone] up
  • (transitive) to move so as to block someone else's movement in a direction.
  • (transitive, US, regional, Southern US) To turn off or switch off (an electrical device).


IPA: kˈʌtɔf


  • Alternative spelling of cutoff [The point at which something terminates or to which it is limited.]


  • Having had shirt sleeves or pantlegs shortened by cutting material from the end.

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