IPA: saɪˈænʌdʒʌn
- (organic chemistry) The pseudohalogen (CN)₂; a colourless, poisonous gas used as a rocket propellant, an insecticide and in chemical warfare.
- (chemistry) The radical -CN.
Examples of "cyanogen" in Sentences
- I think we can get the formula out of him for curing this cyanogen damage.
- "Heat it -- to ninety, or a hundred degrees -- it gives off a deadly gas -- cyanogen."
- Supposedly the cancer cells would gobble it up, free the cyanogen portion of the molecule and be poisoned.
- In 1910, many people panicked when astronomers revealed Earth would pass through the cyanogen-rich tail of Comet Halley.
- Jets spewing from the comet's nucleus contain cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon (C2).
- A second commentator suggested it might have been a piece of a comet; comets often contain cyanogen, which at low levels could cause the symptoms described.
- False alarm: The wispy tail of the comet couldn't penetrate Earth's dense atmosphere; even it if had penetrated, there wasn't enough cyanogen to cause real trouble.
- Last month, its instruments showed that the comet was emitting a toxic gas called cyanogen whose output increased fivefold over an eight-day period before slowly decreasing again.