
IPA: dˈɑ


  • (Ireland, Scotland, Northern England) Father.
  • (slang, Russian) Yes; an affirmative response.
  • (rail transport) The station code of Dhaka railway station in Bangladesh.
  • A great serpent in the mythology of Dahomey.
  • Initialism of district attorney. [(US) The title of the local public official who represents the government in the prosecution of alleged criminals.]
  • Initialism of duck's arse (“type of haircut”). [(Britain, Ireland, informal, vulgar) A hairstyle in which the hair is swept back along the sides of the head to meet in a point at the back, thus resembling a duck as seen from behind.]
  • Initialism of Doctor of Arts. [A terminal degree similar to an Ed.D. or a Ph.D., but with a focus on content speciality; it may be conferred as a prestigious honorary doctorate with the added designation of "honoris causa". Commonly abbreviated DA.]
  • (Internet) Initialism of domain administration.
  • Initialism of dairy association.
  • (biochemistry) Initialism of dopamine. [(biochemistry, pharmacology) A monoamine C₈H₁₁NO₂ that is a decarboxylated form of dopa, present in the body as a neurotransmitter and a precursor of other substances including adrenalin.]
  • (organic chemistry) Initialism of domoic acid. [(organic chemistry) A neurotoxin associated with some algal blooms]
  • (anatomy) Initialism of descending aorta.
  • (anatomy) Initialism of ductus arteriosus. [(anatomy) A vessel that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta during fetal development.]
  • (SEO) Initialism of domain authority.
  • (UK politics) Initialism of devolved administration.
  • Initialism of Department of the Army.
  • Initialism of Department of Agriculture.
  • (South Africa, politics) Initialism of Democratic Alliance.
  • Initialism of doomsday argument. [A probabilistic argument that claims to predict the future population of the human species based on an estimation of the number of humans born to date.]


  • (Jehovah's Witnesses) Abbreviation of disassociate. [To separate (oneself); to dissolve one's association with a person, group, or situation.]


  • (military, of a revolver) Initialism of double action. [(firearms, primarily of revolvers) Requiring only a trigger pull to both cock and fire.]

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