IPA: dæmnˈeɪbʌɫ
- Capable of being damned.
- Deserving of damnation; very bad.
Examples of "damnable" in Sentences
- He had stoutly repudiated her offer, which he had called a damnable compact.
- To call the damnable and accursed system of political intrigue practised for past centuries by the Roman
- "privily shall bring in damnable heresies." before ... ordained -- Greek, "forewritten," namely, in Peter's prophecy
- Half the people and more than half the army of the North are as little infected with what the Southerns call the damnable heresy of
- It may have been a question of missionary zeal and desire to do what he could to improve the standards in what has been described as a damnable profession.
- And, in conclusion, I wish to compliment all three of you on the courage and resource you displayed in tracking down these damnable scoundrels -- _damnable_ scoundrels. "
- Compare 2Pe 2: 1, "There shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction."
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