IPA: dˈæmpnɪs
- Moderate humidity; moisture; moistness; the state or quality of being damp.
- The degree to which something is damp or moist.
Examples of "dampness" in Sentences
- Mauser rifle, lingering affectionately for a moment to wipe the dampness from the barrel.
- The atmosphere threw off that chilly dampness which is felt after the passage of a great meteor.
- Across his chest he laid his Mauser rifle, lingering affectionately for a moment to wipe the dampness from the barrel.
- Luckily, we have a fancy bathroom that includes a drying feature, but my main concern about dampness is a stickiness on the veneer flooring.
- Under his palm he could still feel a slight dampness from the sap; it was oozing out little by little, like the blood of a man slowly bleeding to death .
- Well, from that he started in, an 'he didn't stop tell he had expounded about every kind of dampness that ever descended from heaven or rose from the earth.