IPA: dˈæʃt
- (of a line) Made up of short lines with small gaps between each one and the next.
- (Britain, dated, informal, euphemistic) Damned.
Examples of "dashed" in Sentences
- Cincinnati manager Sparky Anderson dashed from the dugout for
- The hostile gang was temporarily disconcerted by the manoeuvre, then it dashed from the train in pursuit.
- "It is he!" cried Solling, and without another word dashed off full speed along the road he had just come.
- EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jersey (Ticker) -- Curtis Martin dashed through the snow into some pretty exclusive company.
- Suddenly, he was interrupted by a big, exuberant kiss - from his wife, Mary, who had dashed from the side of Grand Av.
- It rained sporadically all morning, a fine, needle like mist that pelted my cheeks as I dashed from the house to the car.
- As he dashed from the Capitol, Emanuel told reporters he would communicate the issues raised in the meeting to President Obama.
- That gave Federer a set point, and when he again dashed to retrieve a shot in the corner with a running slice forehand, Gonzalez put a volley in the net.
- Michael Blackmore's formative years were spent with far too many comics resulting in dashed dreams as repeated attempts to gain superpowers only resulted in embarrassing stories told to the doctor.
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