
IPA: dˈæʃɪŋ


  • The action of the verb to dash.


  • Spirited, audacious and full of high spirits.
  • Chic, fashionable.

Examples of "dashing" in Sentences

  • "Lando Calrissian being dashing is cringe-worthy."
  • And a number of men in dashing anoraks have arrived from the Department of Hard Sums at the University of Rutland.
  • No. The Christmas Eve of a gray industrial city, with a cold wind blowing and steely rain dashing against its unlovely houses.
  • Carroll said she bonded over the phone with her future husband, a military man she refers to as "dashing," and decided she'd marry him before they even met.
  • Then he wrote of the doctor and Margaret, whom he described as a dashing, brilliant girl, the veriest tease and madcap in the world, and the exact opposite of Maddy.
  • All around was darkened by the descending water; and the accumulating floods, dashing from the projecting craigs above, swelled the burn in his path to a roaring river.
  • Dr. Solomon accompanies Robert Langdon, the rare symbologist who warrants the word dashing as both adjective and verb, through much of this novel, his third rip-snorting adventure. ...
  • She's also used her link to the WhiteHouse as proof she is better equipped to handle our foreign policy, but she makes up fictious accounts of dashing from a plane ovesees under sniper fire.
  • Certainly I never yet betook myself to thinking instead of singing, that I did not end in dashing wildly against the wires of my cage, with sure loss of feathers and at the peril of limb and life.

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