IPA: dˈeɪtɪŋ
- A form of romantic courtship typically between two individuals with the aim of assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse.
- An estimation of the age of an artifact, biological vestige, linguistic usage, etc.
- The setting of a date on which an event or transaction is to take place or take effect.
Examples of "dating" in Sentences
- That was when Ramey pulled his daughter's credit report and found eight different credit cards in her name dating to when Shelbi was 2, he said.
- In English, these sapucaias are called paradise nuts, an appellation dating back to the European discovery of the New World, then considered the site of heaven.
- However, for some reason this was considered not to be good enough, and in 1995, in many towns, people found themselves electing not a mer but a gubernator 'Governor', a title dating back to the nineteenth century.
- Uncle Sam is a national personification of the United States (US), and sometimes more specifically of the American government, with the first usage of the term dating from the War of 1812 and the first illustration dating from 1852.
- It was in favour of M. de Luxembourg in so far as the title dating from 1662 was concerned; but the consideration of his claim to the title of 1581 was adjourned indefinitely, so that he remained exactly in the same position as his father.
- Of these Sturm und Drang is a slogan derived from a contemporary play by Friedrich Maximilian Klinger performed in 1777, while Klassik is a term dating from the late nineteenth century to match Romantik a des - ignation first used derisively for the Heidelberg group in 1808.