
IPA: dʌtˈʊrʌ


  • A plant of the genus Datura, known for its trumpet-shaped flowers and poisonous properties.

Examples of "datura" in Sentences

  • 'datura' plant (_Datura alba_), and other species of the same genus.
  • The potent datura fruit has been used in sacred rites since prehistoric times.
  • A: Those are closely related to our native plant called datura, or jimsonweed, and not to hibiscus.
  • Nah, more like a mix of datura and PCP; flat barking delusional, our Loo Tenant (Residentista de Crapper).
  • We move Seth to a level spot in the lee of a large granite rock far up from the river, near a cluster of sacred datura.
  • I didn't take it, because anything that comes from jimson weed (and other datura relatives) has gotta be evil in my book.
  • But it is also called "sacred datura" because native shamans cultivated knowledge on its use for inducing visions to gain otherworldly knowledge.
  • It is from one to five feet in height, and an ill-smelling weed, though first cousin to the beautiful, cultivated datura, which is a highly prized garden plant.
  • This isle had got the very form of a ripple, -- and I thought that the inhabitants should bear a ripple for device on their shields, a wave passing over them, with the datura, which is said to produce mental alienation of long duration without affecting the bodily health, * springing from its edge.

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