IPA: dˈaʊbɝ
- (derogatory) One who, or that which, daubs; especially, a coarse, unskillful painter.
- (copperplate printing) A pad or ball of rags, covered with canvas, for inking plates.
- A type of thick marker pen used to mark a bingo card.
- (archaic) A low and gross flatterer.
- The mud wasp; the mud dauber.
- A surname from German.
Examples of "dauber" in Sentences
- I sponged them onto the stamps using a sponge dauber.
- My mother, clutching her bingo dauber, looked skeptical.
- I actually inked the flowers in Soft Suede ink and then used my sponge dauber to added the Champagne mist to the flower in a couple of spots before I stamped the image.
- This was such an audacious creative conceit that the painter was mistaken for a naïve dauber, where in fact he could create among his works psychogeographic masterpieces that captured the cultural murk of the postwar scene.
- Parrocel, whom you call a dauber, and who for that matter is a dauber, if you compare him to Vernet, is still a man of rare talent relatively to the multitude of those who have flung up the career in which they started with him. "