
IPA: dˈɛdɫɑk


  • A standstill resulting from the opposition of two evenly matched forces; a stalemate or impasse.
  • (computing) An inability to continue due to two programs or devices each requiring a response from the other before completing an operation.


  • (intransitive) To cause or come to a deadlock.

Examples of "deadlock" in Sentences

  • The deadlock led to the election.
  • As a result, the colloquy became deadlocked.
  • The outcome of the elections consisted a deadlock.
  • Everything will end up in deadlock, and nothing will be done.
  • The issue is bringing in outside commentary to solve the deadlock.
  • I question the intent expressed the tank was to break the deadlock.
  • The second trial also resulted in a deadlocked jury and a mistrial.
  • The problem is that the discussion seems to deadlock on these issues.
  • It took the intervention of a neutral arbitrator to break the deadlock.
  • The main focus of most deadlock provisions are the termination provisions.
  • The deadlock precipitates a change in the voting system, effective in 1980.
  • Even our own country is in deadlock over people taking extreme positions and stubbornly refusing to yield an inch.
  • Talks between New Zealand's prime minister and Hollywood executives over the future of the Hobbit films ended in deadlock earlier today.
  • Clashes between Mr. Yushchenko and his former Orange ally Prime Minister Ms. Tymoshenko left government in deadlock, hampering reform efforts and deepening the pain of the economic crisis.
  • The contribution which the Congress and the Hindu community can make at this stage towards the solution of the communal deadlock is that they can say to the Muslims: We realize that you are afraid of Hindu domination at the Center.
  • In such a situation the motor consequences of the first idea are blocked; and I may remain for half an hour or more with the two ideas oscillating before me in a kind of deadlock, which is what we call the state of hesitation or deliberation.
  • I agree that the focus in the ed reform conversation needs to be on concrete action that supports what's best for kids, and I understand that endless collaborative discussion that ultimately yields deadlock is a frustrating waste of everyone's time.
  • The decision by Russia and China to use their veto power indicates that the Security Council might be stuck in a longer-term deadlock on issues related to the Middle East and the Arab Spring pro-democracy movements in the region, Western diplomats told Reuters.
  • So long however the attitude of the Hindu community that Muslim fears are baseless and that nothing need be done to set them at rest or at any rate the remedy must be deferred till after the achievement of independence, no solution of the communal deadlock is possible.

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