IPA: dˈinɝi
- The position held by a dean.
- The house in which a dean lives.
- The group of parishes for which a rural dean has responsibility.
Examples of "deanery" in Sentences
- Absurdity can include a disco ball in the deanery.
- • Did not acknowledge support for the old system from the GP training "deanery".
- I'm being mean – the atmosphere and outlook on to the deanery and a walled garden are peaceful.
- “just to let people know that we are friends, and after that the deanery will be the best home for you.”
- "Stay with us a month, my dear," said Lady Fawn, "just to let people know that we are friends, and after that the deanery will be the best home for you."
- The Christian feminist recognises that the Resolution C parish down the road has a better programme for community regeneration than any other in the deanery.
- In this diocese the cantonal districts do not bear their geographical names, as in all other dioceses, but the name of a saint which becomes the patron of the deanery: the Vichy deanery, for instance, is called the deanery of St-Raphael.
- As we cross the square to the north-eastern side of the church, we pass another gateway, which leads into the deanery, which is a fine specimen of architecture, and bears the monogram of its builder, viz. -- the letter R. a kirk, and a tun, [R. Kirkton] and we then enter at once into the