
IPA: dʌbˈeɪst


  • Brought low; degraded.
  • (heraldry) Abased, abaissé: (of a charge) borne lower than usual.

Examples of "debased" in Sentences

  • How debased is the public discourse when Donald Trump is the voice of reason?
  • It was far debased from the English she had learned in Cairo during the last century.
  • Note, It is just with God to debase those by his judgments who have by sin debased themselves.
  • He had the sultani gold coins debased and reduced in size in response to increased competition with multinational currencies in the Mediterranean.
  • One of the tests for someone or something to qualify as an icon—a term so debased by overuse that it needs to be sparingly applied—should be the fifty-year rule.
  • "Just when you thought he couldn't get any lower, Carl once again debased himself and the entire political process," a spokesman for Mr. Cuomo, Josh Vlasto, said.
  • The unbidden guests examine a row of family portraits, but are too dull to recognize them as men and women, beneath the disguise of a preposterous garb, and with features and expression debased, because inherited through ages of moral and physical decay.
  • I find that in 1631 our house of burgesses desired of the privy council in England, a coin debased to twenty-five per cent.; that in 1645 they forbid dealing by barter for tobacco, and established the Spanish piece of eight at six shillings, as the standard of their currency; that in 1655 they changed it to five shillings sterling.

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