
IPA: dɪbʌtɝ


  • A debtor

Examples of "debitor" in Sentences

  • _Tr_ I v 10 'perpetuusque _animae debitor huius_ ero'.
  • Impressed by Scotus 'dictum, ˜Deus nullius est debitor™
  • You actually become a debitor (ph) to the bankruptcy court.
  • Grant points out to me the technical terms of finance used in the passage: _debitor ... accedet
  • Well, yes, but the debitor requires at least some ACH capability, which is not a given to just anybody.
  • The genitive similarly used for the cause of indebtedness at i 2 _'debitor_ est _uitae_ qui tibi, Sexte, suae 'and
  • O! the charity of a penny cord; it sums up thousands in a trice: you have no true debitor and creditor but it; of what’s past, is, and to come, the discharge.
  • = See on i 2 _debitor ... uitae_, and compare _Tr_ V ix 11-14 'Caesaris est primum munus, quod ducimus auras;/gratia post magnos est tibi habenda deos./ille dedit uitam; tu quam dedit ille tueris,/et facis accepto munere posse frui': the similarity of phrasing makes it all but certain that the poem was addressed to
  • Accipe, Pompei, deductum carmen ab illo debitor est uitae qui tibi, Sexte, suae. qui seu non prohibes a me tua nomina poni, accedet meritis haec quoque summa tuis; siue trahis uultus, equidem peccasse fatebor, 5 delicti tamen est causa probanda mei. non potuit mea mens quin esset grata teneri; sit precor officio non grauis ira pio.
  • Littera sera quidem, studiis exculte Suilli, huc tua peruenit, sed mihi grata tamen, qua, pia si possit superos lenire rogando gratia, laturum te mihi dicis opem. ut iam nil praestes, animi sum factus amici 5 debitor: et meritum uelle iuuare uoco. impetus iste tuus longum modo duret in aeuum, neue malis pietas sit tua lassa meis. ius aliquod faciunt adfinia uincula nobis

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