IPA: dɛkʌmˈitɝ
- (metrology) An SI unit of length equal to 10¹ metres. Symbol: dam
- (prosody) A line in a poem having ten metrical feet.
- (prosody) A poetic metre in which each line has ten feet.
Examples of "decametre" in Sentences
- If you have a rope long enough, you can yourself make a decametre.
- 3. How many millimetres are there in a decametre [can also be spelt [or spelled] with a ‘k’]?
- "Ten metres make a decametre, and one thousand metres make a kilometre, and ten thousand metres make a myriametre.
- In short (excuse the pun), for one reason or another users in the UK would be better served by a better dictionary of abbreviations than this; US users should be alerted to the fact that the text is British, unedited for American spelling: for ` decagramme, decalitre, decametre 'read ` decagram, decaliter, decameter.'