IPA: dˈisʌnsi
- The quality of being decent; propriety.
- That which is proper or becoming.
Examples of "decency" in Sentences
- Finally some sense and common decency from a republican.
- In the name of decency, go home to your parents, you losers.
- By any definition of the word "decency" it's been a long time since
- Our international standing and reputation for decency is in tatters.
- For those who don't see anything wrong with America's past, your lack of decency is evident.
- But I just wanted to say that sometimes just plain decency and kindness are the best medicine.
- To be the nation our founding fathers dreamt we would be, the left needs to learn decency from the right.
- Because a wingnut even momentarily showing a glimmer of decency is a news item these days. conservative guy says:
- The only way to defeat evil and stand up for morals, values, integrity, and decency is to vote against Democrats.