
IPA: dɪkˈɑkʃʌn


  • An extraction or essence of something, obtained by boiling it down.
  • The process of boiling something down in this way.

Examples of "decoction" in Sentences

  • Bark decoction used for dysentery.
  • It is given in a decoction for laryngitis.
  • A decoction of the root also is a febrifuge.
  • A decoction of the leaves were used for beriberi.
  • In decoction processes there must be at least two.
  • The decoction is the form prescribed in pneumonia.
  • In general, either a decoction or a tincture is used.
  • Once the decoction was boiled thoroughly it could be drunk.
  • A decoction of the cortex is recommended for anemia and constipation.
  • Decoctions of leaves are also used for indigestion and abortifacient.
  • Decoctions of leaves are also used for indigestion and as an abortifacient.
  • A decoction is a liquid produced by boiling a substance until its soluble properties are extracted.
  • Turkish physicians in the form of a decoction, which is regarded by them as of peculiar efficacy in diseases of the respiratory organs.
  • Let it dry, crush about this much in the palm of your hand, boil it in enough water to fill the bone cup until the decoction is the color of ripe hay.
  • The decoction is the most useful form; one ounce of the bruised root is boiled in a pint of water, of which a half pint to one pint may be taken during the day.
  • The decoction is a good wash for indolent ulcers, and the dried powdered root sprinkled on ill conditioned sores, seldom fails to produce a healthy discharge, and a disposition to heal.
  • The explanation rests in the form in which they consume their coffee, namely the decoction, which is free from the sedative principle of the seed, that undoubtedly resides in the aromatic ingredient "cafeol."
  • It has a sweetish taste, but a disagreeable smell, and is generally given in the form of a decoction, which is made by boiling an ounce of the dried bark in a quart of water until it assumes the color of Madeira wine.
  • The decoction is a good astringent wash in all cases where astringents are required, used as a wash or bath to the fundament it is an excellent remedy in case of piles; it may be applied by wetting lint in the decoction and applying it to the fundament.
  • Bullokar was also the first compiler to identify the domain of a particular term: the word decoction he described as "a boyling or seething; in Phisicke it signifieth commonly any liquor in which medicinable roots, herbas, seedes, flowers or any other thyng hath beene boyled."

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