
IPA: dɪdˈus


  • (transitive) To reach (a conclusion) by applying rules of logic or other forms of reasoning to given premises or known facts.
  • (transitive) To examine, explain, or record (something) in an orderly manner.
  • (transitive, archaic) To obtain (something) from some source; to derive.
  • (intransitive, archaic) To be derived or obtained from some source.
  • (transitive, obsolete) To take away (something); to deduct, to subtract (something).
  • (transitive, obsolete, based on the word’s Latin etymon) To lead (something) forth.

Examples of "deduce" in Sentences

  • By examining the evidence carefully, the detective was able to deduce that the suspect had been at the scene of the crime
  • From the clues left behind, I was able to deduce that my daughter had thrown a surprise party for my birthday
  • Using his keen sense of observation, Sherlock Holmes was able to deduce that the missing diamond had been hidden in plain sight
  • It didn't take long for the teacher to deduce that the student had copied his essay from the internet
  • Based on her behaviors and reactions, I could deduce that she was nervous about giving her presentation

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