
IPA: dɪfˈɛndɪŋ


  • attempting to or designed to prevent an opponent from winning or scoring

Examples of "defending" in Sentences

  • Bush/Cheney were VERY deceitful in "defending" this country.
  • She was unethical in defending herself against ethics claims.
  • Mr. Crone had made his name defending the company's racy tabloids in court.
  • I called up my lawyer, Johnnie Cochran, who went on to make his name defending O. J. Simpson during his murder trial.
  • For years many predicted Vargas Llosa would add the Nobel to his Cervantes prize but the man himself said his liberalism - which he defined as defending democracy and the free market
  • In their rare testimony, all the men spoke of what they did with detachment and often pride, and expressed no regret at what they described as defending their country and religion, Islam.
  • Your determination to control their lives, to kill them in large numbers in pursuit of your own ends, is what you call defending 'western interests', 'democracy', 'freedom' and 'civilisation' against the forces of darkness.
  • The Southern White Male Republicans embarassed themselves before the Nation, with their irrational obsession, condesending attitudes, and trumped up outrage in defending the most helpless of all groups in America, the white male.
  • The "commanderguy" would have spend the rest of his term defending Azmodeaus, - I mean Cheney, Gonzales, the Iraq war, the failures in the Afghanistan war, and all the filth that would be unearthed in the impeachment proceedings would force the GOP to go down with a doomed ship ship, or join the rest of the American population in demanding a change of course, and accountability from the most corrupt, devious, and catastophically incompetent government in the history of America.

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