IPA: dɛfɝˈɛntʃʌɫ
- Respectful and considerate; showing deference.
- Based on deference; based on the doctrine, ideology, or wishes of others rather than one's own conclusions.
- (anatomy, not comparable) Of, or relating to the vas deferens.
Examples of "deferential" in Sentences
- The waiter treated the elderly couple with deferential respect, pulling out their chairs and pouring their water
- The students showed a deferential attitude towards their strict teacher, never questioning her instructions
- The young man spoke in a deferential tone to his boss, always agreeing with her suggestions
- The servant behaved in a deferential manner towards her master, always bowing and showing great politeness
- The deferential treatment he received from his colleagues made him feel appreciated and respected in the workplace
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