IPA: dɪfˈoʊɫiʌnt
- An agent used to defoliate plants.
Examples of "defoliant" in Sentences
- The government swooped in with an arsenal of pesticides: defoliant, weed killer, DDT.
- The deaths continue to this day due to the long-term effects of the "defoliant" Agent Orange.
- Agent Orange is a defoliant that was used during the Vietnam War era and known to cause cancer and other serious illnesses.
- In South Korea, an investigation is underway to determine if the toxic defoliant Agent Orange was buried at a U.S. military base three decades ago.
- Mullen compares the persistent mysteries surrounding blast-related brain injuries to diseases tied to Agent Orange, a defoliant used during the Vietnam War that was ultimately found to cause illnesses in troops.
- Now, this lady -- who is extremely savvy and is hardly a pushover -- happens to be a locavore convert, and she and her husband are going far out of their way to buy local, grass-fed meats, and chickens who eat worms, and vegetables that aren't sprayed with defoliant derivatives.