
IPA: dˈɛft


  • Quick and neat in action; skillful.

Examples of "deft" in Sentences

  • If you are going to be "deft," it's best not to reveal your sleaziness.
  • Their tales reveal the kind of deft maneuvering we'll all be asked to make in the new world of work.
  • And these illustrations and characterizing* of the forms and essences of things are called deft - nit ioivs.
  • And, depending, we could see this move termed as another "deft" move accompanied by dutiful rationalizations.
  • Take Secretary Baker’s jawboning of the dollar since the Plaza Agreement of 1985, which he describes as the deft execution of bad policy.
  • Khuzami was known as a deft manager while head of the white-collar unit in the U.S. Attorney's Office in the S.uthern District of New York.
  • And it really has been, I think, an extraordinarily kind of deft management, not only of the operation of the war, but the politics of it back home.
  • It referred to a deft turn of hand that transferred bad assets, or repainted them to make the books of the owner of said troubled assets look better.
  • Later comes a young greenkeeper carrying a very long, supple, tawny cane: he swishes it all over the circle of dewy grass in deft half-moons, sending up a shower of diamondy drops at every stroke.
  • For one middle-class gentlewoman who understands anything about cookery, or who really cares for it as a scientific art or domestic necessity, there are ten thousand who do not; yet our mothers and grandmothers were not ashamed to be known as deft professors, and homes were happier in proportion to the respect paid to the stewpan and the stockpot.

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