IPA: dihjumʌnʌzˈeɪʃʌn
- The act or process of dehumanizing.
Examples of "dehumanization" in Sentences
- More dehumanization from the radical left and the obfuscating Obama!
- The chief ethical problem involved in planning is that which Berdyaev has termed the dehumanization of man.
- No doubt techniques such as dehumanization helped McCain survive his period of captivity -- and they were appropriate in that context.
- Arguing that Jews are somehow imperfect, and less than human, is the first step towards demonization and dehumanization, which is the first of many steps to commit violence against the Jewish People.
- But I think that this practice of dehumanization, which is what bullying is, turning a person into an object that can be humiliated, reflects a society in which various forms of bullying are the social norm.
- It's called dehumanization for a very good reason - when you think of your opponents as being a lower form of life, something that doesn't deserve to be called human, it becomes much easier to regard those people as being of no consequence - which in turn makes it easier to regard such people as little more than livestock to be exploited and slaughtered or worse, pests to be exterminated.