
IPA: dɪɫɪniˈeɪʃʌn


  • The act of delineating; depiction.
  • (art) An image of the outline of an object.
  • A graphic verbal description.

Examples of "delineation" in Sentences

  • He displays no power whatever in delineation of character.
  • In front, in the flat part, a kind of delineation appeared for a face.
  • M. J.Hyland's delineation is impeccable and page-turningly unputdownable.
  • It is avowedly a pastoral drama, and sets forth a whole troop of gods and goddesses; with nothing that can properly be called delineation of character.
  • Linework follows the presence of várzea habitats along these rivers according to IBGE and the eastern delineation is the confluence of the Japurá with the Solimões Rivers.
  • Its delineation is that of a "SuperPAC," which (under non-technical terms) means it can raise unlimited amounts of money from varying sources and spend that advocating for or against candidates.
  • Which thing before we take in hand, perhaps it will not be unacceptable to the reader, if we describe the sea of Gennesaret, and the places adjoining, by some kind of delineation, according to their situation, which we take up from the

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