IPA: dɪmˈænd
- The desire to purchase goods and services.
- (economics) The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price.
- A forceful claim for something.
- A requirement.
- An urgent request.
- An order.
- (electricity supply) More precisely peak demand or peak load, a measure of the maximum power load of a utility's customer over a short period of time; the power load integrated over a specified time interval.
- To request forcefully.
- To claim a right to something.
- To ask forcefully for information.
- To require of someone.
- (law) To issue a summons to court.
Examples of "demand" in Sentences
- Consequently, any rise in demand is likely to be met by increasing imports.
- Notes payable _on demand_, or in which no time of payment is mentioned, are due immediately, and no demand of payment is necessary.
- Over the next decade, China's annual grain demand is likely to reach 573 million tons, which is above its current production levels.
- This divergence in demand is driven mainly by differences in ethnic preferences, economic and cultural integration, and demographics.
- When the decline in demand is permanent, such as it is in Detroit, then housing will be torn down so that the land can be put to better use.
- _that_, but you could not know the awful, the horrid threat he held out to me, if I did not comply with his demand -- ay, _demand_ for an immediate union?
- Econ 101 teaches that the monopoly profit maximizing response to a decrease in demand is to reduce quantity supplied, but not ordinarily enough to completely maintain the price.
- Of course it has no support from the Democratic leadership because they have listened to the economists and common sense that any increase in demand is going to result in an increase in cost.
- : D close to it actually, the number one rule for actors in demand is chose your projects wisely. you might also think about why she would not want to relocate ---- think: other work opportunities. blog comments powered by Disqus