IPA: dɪnˈaɪʌɫ
- An assertion of untruth.
- (logic) The negation in logic.
- A refusal or failure to provide or grant something that is requested or desired.
- Refusal to believe that a problem exists.
- Refusal to admit responsibility for wrongdoing.
- Negationism, denialism of historical facts or accepted interpretation.
- (psychology) A defense mechanism involving a refusal to accept the truth of a phenomenon or prospect.
- A disownment or disavowal
Examples of "denial" in Sentences
- The word denial came to mind, but for once I buttoned my lip.
- For her to be in denial is now making her look more like Bush than anything.
- When I use the term denial industry, I'm referring to those who are paid to say that manmade global warming isn't happening.
- I think the chasm between reality based people and those in denial is growing so wide that people are now shouting across it …
- Professionals in the field use the term denial to describe this psychological response in which the self shields itself from feelings it cannot bear.
- In fact trying to find a "mainstream Democrat" politician who will come out with a public statement regarding the fact that his champions are simply in denial is not that easy.