IPA: dˈɛpjʌtˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of deputing, or of appointing or commissioning a deputy or representative; office of a deputy or delegate; vicegerency.
- The person or persons deputed or commissioned by another person, party, or public body to act in his or its behalf; a delegation.
- Among Christian missionaries, the process or period of time during which they raise support in preparation for going to their mission field.
Examples of "deputation" in Sentences
- In fact only the week before last they received a deputation from the Commission of the European Community.
- We and many other of the Suffrage Societies were received in deputation by Mr. Asquith, only to be told the case over again.
- Bonaparte stayed long enough at Berlin to permit of the arrival of a deputation from the French Senate to congratulate him on his first triumphs.
- Soon after my arrival a deputation from the Greek Christians of the place came to request my interference in a matter which had occasioned vast excitement.
- During the recess a deputation from the Dutch Reformed Church interviewed the Minister and pressed for some form of extended control over internal publications.
- Their Majesties, shut up in the Tower for three months, had so far seen none but the municipal officers, when, on the 1st of November, a deputation from the National Convention was announced to them.
- On the 6th May he dined with Her Majesty at Marlborough House; on the 7th he received a deputation from the inhabitants of his native town of Whittlesey, who were desirous of making him a presentation.
- The Poles were still uncertain as to the ultimate fate which the Emperor reserved for their country; but a future bright with hope shone before their eyes, until these visions were rudely dispelled by the Emperor's reply to the deputation from the Polish confederation established at Warsaw.
- It is to give the right to those who do want it – to those signatories of the second largest petition ever laid on the table of the House of Commons – to the 96,000 textile workers – to the women who went last month in deputation to the Prime Minister, and who represented over half a million belonging to Trade Unions and organized societies.
- December 7, a municipal, at the head of a deputation from the Commune, came to read to the king a decree which ordered him to take from the prisoners "knives, razors, scissors, penknives, and all other sharp instruments of which prisoners presumed criminal are deprived; and to make a most minute search of their persons and of their apartments."