IPA: dɝˈaɪvɪŋ
- (historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase
Examples of "deriving" in Sentences
- This doctrine he called “synechism,” a word deriving from the Greek preposition that means “(together) with.”
- He came up with Mrs Buttercup Kennedy, almost certainly Mary Kirk, the nickname deriving from a hat she had once worn.
- Its name deriving from the initials of a secret Greek motto, Philosophia Biou Kybernētēs = Love of learning [is] the guide of lif [...]
- Emblica fruits are one of three "myrobalans," a term deriving from Greek for the acorn, which is a well-known astringent used in tanning.
- This bread is related to sfincione [the name deriving from the Greek for "soft"] and for this bread the filling can be more complicated these days.
- Eddie scored some great shots, and I got a cover story that later became a book, The Scariest Place in the World: A Marine Returns to North Korea, the title deriving from a presidential quote.
- Its name deriving from the initials of a secret Greek motto, Philosophia Biou Kybernētēs = “Love of learning [is] the guide of life”, the fraternity was a forum for students to discuss topics not covered by their classical education.