IPA: dɪsˈɛndʌnt
- One of the progeny of a specified person, at any distance of time or through any number of generations.
- (figuratively) A thing that derives directly from a given precursor or source.
- (biology) A later evolutionary type.
- (linguistics) A language that is descended from another.
- (linguistics) A word or form in one language that is descended from a counterpart in an ancestor language.
- Descending; going down.
- Descending from a biological ancestor.
- Proceeding from a figurative ancestor or source.
Examples of "descendant" in Sentences
- My great-grandmother was a descendant of Irish immigrants who came to America in the early 1900s
- The young girl proudly displayed a family tree showing her as a descendant of a Revolutionary War soldier
- As a descendant of a long line of doctors, she felt pressure to follow in her family's footsteps and pursue a career in medicine
- The ancient ruins were believed to be the home of the descendants of a powerful Mayan ruler
- Despite her humble upbringing, she always carried herself with the grace and dignity befitting a descendant of royalty