
IPA: dɪskrˈaɪb


  • (transitive) To represent in words.
  • (transitive) To represent by drawing; to draw a plan of; to delineate; to trace or mark out.
  • (transitive, mathematics) To give rise to a geometrical structure.
  • (transitive, taxonomy) To introduce a new taxon to science by explaining its characteristics and particularly how it differs from other taxa.
  • (obsolete) To distribute into parts, groups, or classes; to mark off; to class.

Examples of "describe" in Sentences

  • Does the title describe families who compete, or families who watch?
  • Sorry DNC, That bizarre behavior you describe is actually integrity.
  • Morgan, what you describe is just a replacement for the semi-broken Medicaid system.
  • Ted, I used to be a civvy turnkey in a VERY busy police office in Glasgow, and the scenario you describe is how it worked there with the arresting officers each taking hold of one arm of the prisoner while I was searching him.

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