IPA: dɪsɛgrʌgˈeɪʃʌn
- The act or process of eliminating segregation.
- A specific period in United States history during which laws requiring racial segregation were struck down and the practice was deterred, beginning in the United States military during World War II and occurring in society in general from the mid-1950s.
Examples of "desegregation" in Sentences
- The school district implemented a new policy of desegregation to promote diversity and inclusivity among students
- Many families supported the effort for desegregation in their community to create a more equal educational experience for all children
- The civil rights movement played a pivotal role in advocating for desegregation in schools and public spaces
- Despite facing resistance and backlash, the government continued to push for desegregation to dismantle discriminatory practices and uphold equality
- The process of desegregation required significant changes in policies and attitudes to break down racial barriers and foster integration in society