IPA: dɪstrˈʌktɪvnɪs
- the state or quality of being destructive
Examples of "destructiveness" in Sentences
- "destructiveness" to upset one's mental equilibrium.
- This kind of destructiveness is a false passage into a world of pseudo-communication.
- And Maud's, face brightened; for destructiveness is one of the earliest traits of childhood, and ripping was Maud's delight.
- In her character, what phrenologists call "destructiveness," in the comprehensive sense of the word, was superlatively developed.
- However, their claim in the abstract and in the quote above about "hurricane destructiveness" is not shown by a correlation with , as that does not measure "destructiveness".
- Uncle Davy must have had the organ of "destructiveness" pretty fully developed, for fowls, as well as "animils" and "sarpunts," were "smashed up" by him, as may be gathered from
- "destructiveness" which characterises the Badawi: he is "keen for satire as a thirsty man for water:" and half his poetry seems to consist of foul innuendo, of lampoons, and of gross personal abuse.
- English skulls; and the sagacious Mr. Combe has placed this organ at the back of the head, in juxtaposition to that of destructiveness, which is equally large among our countrymen, as is notably evinced upon all railings, seats, temples, and other things-belonging to other people.
- It is said that the organ of carving upon wood is prominently developed on all English skulls; and the sagacious Mr. Combe has placed this organ at the back of the head, in juxtaposition to that of destructiveness, which is equally large among our countrymen, as is notably evinced upon all railings, seats, temples, and other things-belonging to other people.