IPA: dɪfɝˈɛntʃieɪtɝ
- Anything that differentiates, or causes differentiation (in any sense); a distinguishing feature.
Examples of "differentiator" in Sentences
- Another differentiator is a couple of high-profile artists
- Our long term differentiator is to "sustainable" wave passes.
- SM: I just don't see that as a long-term differentiator and how you are going to be positioned.
- The biggest differentiator is the G1’s slide-out keyboard, some might find easier to type on than the iPhone’s virtual keyboard.
- I’ve worried for some time that “open” as a market differentiator is becoming diluted and washed out, just as “organic” and “green” before.
- Obviously the government plays a role, but I think the main differentiator here is: it is the homeowner who steps forward and who says, I need help.
- Their main differentiator is that it’s a classless, and claims to be more narrative and share interpretive power with characters (implied: at least more than D&D).