IPA: daɪgrˈɛʃʌn
- An aside, an act of straying from the main subject in speech or writing.
- (generally uncountable) The act of straying from the main subject in speech or writing, (rhetoric) particularly for rhetorical effect.
- (obsolete) A deviancy, a sin or error, an act of straying from the path of righteousness or a general rule.
- (now rare) A deviation, an act of straying from a path.
- (astronomy, physics) An elongation, a deflection or deviation from a mean position or expected path.
Examples of "digression" in Sentences
- Warning: all this post is a digression from the topic!
- Many novels contain what I call the digression-into-theme.
- The reason for this historic digression is that Jordan has made an interesting discovery.
- Particularly by that wee digression from the source text (the whole mother not dying thing).
- And feel free to move this post to the "Open Thread", as it is quite a digression from the original topic.
- But all this is what they call a digression; it has nothing to do with the dragon's teeth I am now narrating.
- (Notice how I used "arguably" to avoid digression from the immediate topic - not to avoid actually making a point.) "Now that I've partly diminished my own enjoyment of this by having to explain the humour ..."
- Finally, in what can only be described as a digression from a digression, I feel compelled to mention that there is a multi-purpose, high quality item, within reach theoretically, that I cannot bring myself to buy, though I am convinced of its usefulness and value.